Mediating Conflict in Healthcare
Martin Stillman, MD, JD
Mediating Conflict in Healthcare
Martin Stillman, MD, JD

Conflict Resolution Education

Mediation Services

Healthcare Executive Coaching

Conflict Resolution Training and Skill Development
A skilled educator, Martin Stillman, MD, JD, is a physician, lawyer, and mediator who conducts workshops and educational sessions to help people learn how to successfully navigate and resolve conflict.
Mediation Services
Martin Stillman, MD, JD, is a skilled mediator and facilitator who is available to provide mediation services in-person or virtually.
Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
Martin Stillman, MD, JD, provides executive coaching and leadership development.
Martin Stillman, MD, JD, is a physician, lawyer, and mediator. He is a practicing general internist at Hennepin Healthcare System (HHS) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he also serves as the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Officer.
Along with practicing internal medicine, Dr. Martin Stillman mediates conflict among health care professionals and teaches about conflict resolution in health care across the country, helping everyone from front line clinicians to executive leaders learn how to successfully evaluate and address conflict within healthcare. He developed the Conflict Resolution and Facilitation Training (©CRAFT) Program for clinicians and healthcare leaders which is now delivered both in-person and virtually. In addition, Dr. Stillman is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School where he teaches about law and medicine, and he continues to serve as a member of the national American Arbitration Association Healthcare Dispute Resolution Advisory Council.
Dr. Stillman has been recognized as an outstanding educator, leader, advisor, and coach. He has received the prestigious University of Minnesota Outstanding Medical School Teaching Award and also served for six years as an invited coach for the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) year-long physician leadership training program.
Dr. Stillman has extensive knowledge of clinical, administrative, operational, financial, personnel, and quality issues associated with medical practice and patient care, having served in many leadership roles including Senior Medical Director for HHS’ Medicine and Medicine Subspecialty Services. He effectively utilizes this wide-ranging expertise to enhance his conflict resolution practice, teaching, and executive coaching and leadership development.
Dr. Stillman is also a leading researcher and educator in clinician wellness. He serves as an Assistant Director in HHS’ Office of Professional Worklife as well as Director of Provider Wellness and Retention for HHS’ Department of Medicine. He is nationally recognized for his work in the relationship between conflict resolution and wellness, having served as an invited speaker for Stanford Medicine’s WellMD educational lecture series and Harvard Medical School’s Center for Primary Care Workforce Wellness in Primary Care Grand Rounds.

CRAFT workshop participant
Fantastic session. Marty's leadership is outstanding.
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CRAFT workshop participant
This is so valuable!!
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CRAFT workshop participant
I appreciate your creating a safe space - well done.
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CRAFT workshop participant
Discussions were amazing and helpful.
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CRAFT workshop participant
I am very appreciative of this program. Leadership, like all, is an opportunistic journey.
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CRAFT workshop participant
Dr. Stillman's approach to thinking things out and providing a framework to everything is amazing.
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CRAFT workshop participant
Great exercise!
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Workshop participant
Very practical information on how to navigate tough conversations within our organization.
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Workshop participant
Excellent - best of the conference so far.
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Workshop participant
Great group activity!
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